December 31, 2012


I resolve to ADVOCATE, to use my voice, however small and insignificant, for the defenseless, innocent, fatherless child.  May I courageously speak up at every opportunity.  (Psalm 82:3)

I resolve to BELIEVE that the Lord will provide for me, even when I feel lonely in the path that He has chosen for me.  It is not for everyone, but I am so thankful that He has called me to this journey, and I know that He is walking with me every step of it.  (Joshua 1:9)

I resolve to CARE for every child He brings into my home, no matter how unlovely or unworthy.  Sometimes the greatest blessings can come from the most unexpected people!  (Luke 6:35)

I resolve to DEPEND on the Savior’s grace and forgiveness, especially when the accuser reminds me of my inadequacies and parenting failures.  (Lamentations 3:22-23)

I resolve to ENJOY the children that God has led into my life, believing that they are a part of my family in His perfect timing for His specific purposes.  May my face be filled with smiles as my heart is filled with joy!  (Proverbs 15:30)

I resolve to FOLLOW the Lord’s leading, no matter where it takes me.  I never know when the next phone call will come.  When He asks, “Who will care for the least of these in my name?” I want to be ready to answer, “Here am I!”  (Isaiah 6:8)

I resolve to GO to the Lord and His Word for wisdom and direction when faced with doubts and confusion and difficult circumstances.  He is the Wonderful Counselor!  (Psalm 119:105)

I resolve to HONOR the Lord in every area of my life:  my words – both written and spoken, my actions, my priorities and decisions, and my relationships.  When people see my life, may they see the grace of God at work!  (I Corinthians 10:31)

I resolve to INSTRUCT and train the children in my home to love the Lord with all of their heart.  There is no greater education I could possibly give them.  (Proverbs 22:6)

I resolve to JOIN with other like-minded families, so that we may be mutually encouraged in our commitment to caring for fatherless children.  (Hebrews 10:24-25)

I resolve to KEEP myself as healthy as possible, so that I may be a usable vessel for the Lord’s work.  (I Corinthians 6:19)

I resolve to LISTEN when my children speak, not only to what they are saying but also to what they are not saying.  How quick I can be to offer lectures and advice, when what they may need at that moment is a loving, listening, compassionate ear.  (James 1:19)

I resolve to MEET the needs of those in my family, whenever it is within my power to do so.  Even when it means dying to myself and my own desires.  (Philippians 2:3)

I resolve to NURTURE the weak and encourage the faint-hearted. (I Thessalonians 5:14)

I resolve to OPEN my heart and my home to children in need, for as little or as long as they may need.  (Romans 12:13)

I resolve to PRAY for the children in my home, being confident that the Lord will protect them and provide for them even after they leave.  (James 5:16)

I resolve to QUIET my heart before the Lord, knowing that it’s in the still silence before Him, not in the busyness, that He comforts my discouragement and strengthens my weariness.  (Psalm 46:10)

I resolve to REMAIN faithful to His calling, to press on no matter how difficult the task before me.  (Philippians 3:12)

I resolve to SHOW God’s love, the same unconditional love that He has shown me, not only to my foster children, but also to the birthparents, social workers, doctors and therapists who are a part of their lives.  (I John 4:7)

I resolve to TREAT each of my children the same way I would like to be treated . . . with respect, believing the best in them.  (Luke 6:31)

I resolve to USE my time wisely, focusing on building relationships instead of on accomplishing tasks.  Sometimes playing a game or helping with a puzzle really is more important than doing the next load of laundry.  (Ephesians 5:15-16)

I resolve to VALUE each child’s unique qualities and abilities.  To remember that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that God has prepared them for good works.  (Ephesians 2:10)

I resolve to WALK in faith, even when I can’t see His purposes and the road is dark and uncertain.  Even when my labor and efforts are invisible.  God sees.  (II Corinthians 5:7)

I resolve to eXTEND grace and patience to the children in my home.  I did not become mature overnight, and neither will they.  May I patiently train and nurture them while they continue to learn and grow.  (Ephesians 4:2)

I resolve to YIELD to the Holy Spirit’s voice, following His leading, not only in the important decisions, but also in the day-to-day choices I make.  Daily obedience becomes a habit, which will then become a life of character.  (Romans 5:3-4)

I resolve to ZEALOUSLY, whole-heartedly love my Father who first lavished His love on me, and continue to share His love, one child at a time.  (Mark 12:33)

1 comment:

  1. Well done B. You never fail to inspire and I count myself lucky to get to hang around with you.
