Surely they
are out there somewhere. Parents who are
doing a great job at being, well, parents.
They are the ones who should
become foster parents. The ones who
should adopt.
A dad who
comes home from work at the end of every day, excited about spending time with
his kids and hearing all about the details of his wife’s day. Who never gets distracted by the game on tv
or the latest news update or the urgent emails from work. Who always has the energy (and skill!) to
tackle the home repairs, patiently teaching his eager son the tricks of the
trade while doing so. Who coaches Little
League and serves as a Scout leader in his spare time.
There must
be a mom, too, who never raises her voice at her children, gently training and
correcting and mentoring each one according to their particular personalities
and interests. The mom whose house is
always clean because she consistently uses the chore chart that she created for
herself and those in her household. Who
prepares nutritious meals, patiently showing her eager daughter the way around
the kitchen while doing so. Who serves
as the homeroom mother in her spare time.
Where are
they, these perfect parents? They have
so much to offer a child in need! They
would be exactly the kind of parents that an orphaned child is wishing for at
this very moment. Why aren’t they
signing up to become foster parents? Why
aren’t they the ones who are adopting?